
How to Tap into Your Intuition

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Soul Growth and Inner Work | 0 comments

Intuition for me is that gut feeling. I think we’ve all felt it before. It can be as subtle as hearing in your head “hey maybe change lanes” and then 10 seconds later, witnessing a crash in that very lane you were just in. Or it can be bigger like feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’re in a relationship with the wrong person. In this article, we will discuss how to tap into your intuition. 

Our intuition comes from our divine spiritual team and our higher self. They are guiding us and holding our hands the best they can. It’s our job to get out of our own way and listen for it, allow it and most importantly TRUST it.

If you’ve found your way to my blog, it’s most likely not a coincidence and you are ready for your next step on your soul growth journey. Deciding to learn to strengthen and use your intuitive abilities is a beautiful next step!

There are many different ways to tap into your intuition but in this post I will be focusing on the tools that have helped me most in my development.

1. Meditation

Meditation is an integral key for developing your intuition. If you’re new to meditation don’t let it overwhelm you! It doesn’t have to be a long drawn out process in which you force yourself to sit in silence and void your mind of all thought. While this is certainly one way to meditate, it is not the best way for beginners.

When you are first starting out, managing your expectations is important. Starting very small is a good way to go, even 5 minutes! You can start by using a guided meditation. Or you can focus on your breath. It really doesn’t matter. The goal is to quiet the mind so that you can start hearing intuitive guidance from your spirit team.

tap into your intuition

There’s a famous saying: “prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening for the answer”. I find this to be so accurate. Another important point to pay attention to when you begin meditating; yes you want to turn down the volume on your thoughts. But you also don’t want to send all of your thoughts away because at some point after quieting your own thoughts, you will start receiving the “answer”. Most often this comes through as sounding like your own thoughts, so don’t dismiss them!

A rule of thumb is that words from the divine will always sound supportive, loving, encouraging and will feel right. Words from our own ego will sound urgent or critical and just won’t have the same “right” feeling.

2. Journaling

Journaling is my very favorite way to get in touch with how I’m feeling and for connecting to my intuition. You don’t have to be a writer to use journaling as a tool! I suggest using the stream of consciousness method when you first start. Just write down anything and everything that you are thinking, even to-do lists if you need to! The idea is that you are getting all of the “fluff” out of your brain and onto paper so you can start getting to the good stuff.

If you run out of things to write about, here is a list of prompts that can help you move along:

~ How am I feeling?

~ What do I need right now?

~ What is my soul asking for?

~ How do I want to feel?

~ What is going well in my life?

~ What do I need less of?

~ What do I need more of?

Those are just a few to get you started. There are tons of journal prompt lists that will come up with a simple search online if you need more inspiration.

3. Affirmations

Our mindset is SO important. It has everything to do with what is showing up in our current reality. Because of this, what we say to ourselves is what all of us should be focusing on. Affirmations are a simple way to help develop our intuition. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to use these or make up your own!

~ I am very intuitive.

~ I am open to divine guidance.

~ I trust the intuitive hits that I receive.

~ I act on my intuition.

~ When I don’t know the way, my inner guidance does know.

I like to write down my affirmations on a post-it note and stick it on my bathroom mirror. That way I build it into my morning and nightly routine. Pick 2-3 affirmations and aim to say them 5 times each, at least 2 times per day.

4. Body Sensations

If you aren’t used to tuning into your body sensations, you’re in for a fun challenge. Our bodies are constantly talking to us. You can use simple exercises at first like noticing how you feel after you eat something.

Like for me I know I can’t eat gluten. It makes my body feel heavy and bloated and sick. Some people feel this way after eating corn or soy or meat. So next time you sit down for a meal, set the intention that you want to know what your body feels about the food that you are eating. It may take a few times of practicing this exercise before you start to hear or feel feedback.

You can also use this exercise for certain situations in your life. Start your sentence by saying to yourself “what do I FEEL about _______?” Notice how does your body respond? Do any thoughts come in? What does your heart feel like? Write all of your observations down and you will start to get tidbits of your answers to piece together.

This is your intuition talking! Now if you’re really brave, you will trust it and act accordingly 🙂

5. Pay attention to your intuitive hits

When you notice yourself starting a thought or a sentence with “I feel” or “My gut says”, this is you getting an intuitive hit! Pay attention to it. Just notice it and take account of it. You can even write it down.

You’ll start to develop your own connection and way of communicating with your spirit team. For instance, when I was first developing my intuition, I’d often hear my thoughts start off with “I wonder…..”. These were significant hits for me! Including one where I found my daughter wondering out the front door during a big family party. My thought went something like this: “I wonder why that front door is open, a kid is going to wonder outside”. Little did I know that was my intuition talking to me!

So from then on I started paying attention to any thoughts that started with “I wonder…”. Sure enough, whenever I hear that phrase, its an intuitive hit! This is just one way in which my guides communicate with me. Keep listening and you’ll discover your special way of communicating with your guides, too.

6. Trust what you get

This is the most important step and probably the hardest one to master on your development journey. At least it was for me. Do you think I paid attention to that warning I mentioned in my story above about my daughter wondering out the front door? No of course not! I searched the whole house in a panic before I thought to go look in the front yard for her!

This was a lesson for me. Always trust what you get. It takes time and obviously trust with your guides and yourself to get to this point. Be patient with yourself.

Trust and allow.

That’s it my friends. Try these steps to start connecting with your intuition and you will be a run-of-the-mill intuitive in no time!

For more tips on connecting with your intuition, you can sign up for my newsletter The Radiant Path Weekly Newsletter.

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