
Portals, Faeries, Bigfoot…Oh My!

by | Jun 16, 2023 | Energy | 0 comments

4 months ago, I received a message from spirit while I was visiting a temple in Sedona. They told me that I was going to be working with the earth and nature spirits soon. I accepted the message but didn’t know how or when I would be doing this.

During this same trip, I had a bit of an initiation with the spirits of the land at my parent’s property in the mountains of Arizona. I did some land healing work for the very first time and was completely hooked. 

At the time, I still felt like healing people and healing the land were two separate practices. The story that’s about to follow has changed all that

I want to share with you the magic I encountered at my retreat in Montana. It was led by Amy Dempster of Following Hawks (she’s amazing btw). Our time together was lovely- we had a very nice schedule of visiting the Montana Vortex (crazy intense energy), visiting an old growth forest, hiking Colombia mountain, making orgonite (to neutralize inorganic energies), and visiting Glacier National Park. During each activity, we had the opportunity to tune in to the spirits of the land there, everyday we received new and important messages. 

I want to share with you some of these messages.

The retreat started off as any wonderful retreat should, with a journey. The messages were similar, with many welcomes from the gatekeeper spirits, and even some info from Bigfoot about why we were all called to be there. I will share more about his messages later.

Old Growth Forest

We arrived at this forest that had somehow been preserved without logging at the top of a mountain. As we walked through, I could feel how alive and ancient the trees were. We found a space to sit on the forest floor to do a quick tune-in. I expected to speak with the spirits there or receive messages as are typical for those types of journeys. I was a little disappointed when I was told to hold still and that I wouldn’t be receiving any messages that day. The only thing that happened was that a tree spirit, that I had noticed earlier on our hike, came to me and began channeling energy through me.

As I came out of my journey and the 12 of us began to share about our individual experiences, it became clear that we ALL had been told the same thing. We were receiving a simultaneous download. We received codes, activations, and certain frequencies. 

Are you still with me? This is all about to make a lot of sense very soon.


We arrived early in the morning and it was pleasantly cool and overcast. Of course when we visit a national park, we take in the great beauty nature offers us. But in my experience, Glacier felt other-wordly. It felt ancient and was full of portals, nature spirits, and faeries. 

One portal in particular really called to me. It pulled me off the trail and into an open circular formation in the trees. There were no physical signs of people gathering here, but with my mind’s eye, I began to see visions of people, fairies and other beings dancing and congregating here.

When I asked what the portal was for, I was told it led to middle earth. The friend that was with me joked that she didn’t want to go through right then because she was worried she might not come back. I nervously laughed because I had the same feeling.

As we walked through Glacier, we took our time, interacting with the trees, water, and other nature spirits there. It took us more than two hours to complete the ¾ mile loop. Strange for people that are avid hikers. We felt almost in a trance-like state. And as soon as we got back to the car, the trance was broken. Weird.

Back at camp

Much later that day, as we all hung around in a circle, drinking wine and tea and chatting about the events of the past few days, we started putting together pieces of the puzzle. The messages from Big Foot about why we were gathered here at this time, at this place and with these exact people, were starting to make sense.

We realized that our leisurely stroll through Glacier was so much more than that. There was a transmission happening. We were sharing the codes that we had received from the old growth forest the day before. These codes specifically are to turn on and activate the nature spirits that have been dormant and to awaken the grid lines that have been broken or dormant.

The big message

The general consensus was that us being gridkeepers, it was important that we received certain codes and frequencies and activations to bring back home with us to activate, open, and heal the land that we live on and surrounding areas. 

This is why I’m telling you this whole story. I used to think lightworkers were different from gridworkers. I know because I identified as a lightworker, not a gridworker. But my beliefs are changing. I know I’m here to support the Earth too, not just the humans on it. 

And because you are here, in my world, reading this article, I know you are a lightworker too. Which also means you get to hold the light for the Earth too. So get out into nature. Talk with the trees. Commune with the Fae. And ASK what you can do for them. Because you read this article, you now carry the codes too. Know that just by placing your hands on that tree or dipping your toes in that lake, you are transmitting the codes. 

So whether you work with your angels, spirit guides, ancestors, Source, trees, faeries, Gaia, Big Foot, or any of the nature spirits- just one or all of the above- it doesn’t matter. Because it’s all the same. That’s the big lesson I learned during this retreat. That it’s all the same.


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