
My favorite oracle cards for connecting to your intuition

by | Oct 30, 2019 | Soul Growth and Inner Work | 0 comments


In this article, I will share with you my favorite oracle cards for connecting to your intuition. Oracle cards are a great way to get guidance. I use them to supplement my own intuition, either as reinforcement or if I am unsure and need clarity. 

Oracle cards fall under the category of divination, which happens to have two definitions, according to Webster:

1. the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers

2. unusual insight: intuitive perception

For a long time, divination fell under the category of Taboo for me. Tarot, ouija boards, pendulums, psychics, etc., all carried this stigma of something dark and dangerous. I think the first definition that Webster states kind of perpetuates this fear of the unknown, that maybe somehow being associated with supernatural powers means you’re going straight to hell.

After much soul searching, meditation and trusting my own intuition, I now know that divination is not inherently dark but is for enhancing your own intuitive skill set. Yes, I think there are people who misuse divination for the wrong reasons, but for the most part, I see people using it for good to get guidance and reassurance.

Well that was a long intro, let’s get to the good stuff!


The Best Oracle Cards for connecting to your intuition

Over the years I’ve collected quite a few Oracle Decks. What makes a good deck for me is:

~beautiful artwork

~meaningful messages

~well thought-out guide books

~they resonate with me

I’ve used decks before that may of been beautiful and had nice guidebooks but they just didn’t resonate with me. This doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. When selecting a deck, it’s best if you can use your own intuition to pick one. Chose what you are drawn to and most likely, they will resonate with you.

So without further adieu, here are my favorite decks!


Sacred Rebels Oracle

oracle cards for connecting to your intuition








Sacred Rebels Oracle

This is hands down my favorite card deck of all of the ones I’ve used. They artwork is so very beautiful. I love looking at the art before even before reading the messages because often I find messages in the the art.

The messages on the cards themselves are lovely, too. They are often short phrases that usually draw me in and make me think.

The guidebook is probably my favorite part of this deck. The messages are so intuitive and well written. If I pull the same card regularly, I gleam new bits of information from the guidebook every time. At the end of each message, there is a healing process exercise.

These cards often make me tear up or giggle and they are just so darn accurate for me. I feel like me guides speak to me through them.

These are my go-to, daily cards. My good old standbys. LOVE them!


Work Your Light Oracle

oracle cards for connecting to your intuition

















Work Your LIght oracle

This 44 card deck by Rebecca Campbell is also beautiful. The artwork is very etheric and very interesting looking. The cards are organized by 5 sections: confirmation cards, inquiry cards, action cards, activation cards, and transmission cards.

The cards have a message on them (no numbers) and then a simple short description. There is a guidebook that goes more in depth for each message.

I like how they are divided into the 5 categories because it is very clear what the cards intention is. For instance the Action cards, there’s a suggested action that you should take. For the activation cards, there’s an actually activation prayer that you can say.

I really like these cards if I have a specific question in mind. I will often pull the Yes or No card or at least get more clarity for my inquiry.


Kuan Yin Oracle

oracle cards for connecting to your intuition








kuan yin oracle

This oracle deck is 44 cards by Alana Fairchild. I have an affinity for Kuan Yin and have always felt a connection to her. I find these to be very accurate and they always give me a sense of higher perception. Like after reading my messages, I see my situation from a different point of view.

The artwork is stunning and are all different portraits of Kuan Yin. The cards have intriguing phrases. The guidebook goes into more detail and just like the Sacred Rebel cards, I feel like my guides are hand delivering messages to me. Alana Fairchild certainly has a talent for writing!

At the end of each message, there is a healing exercise as well as a prayer.

I really like this deck, too. I admit, I don’t use it as often as some as my others. I seem to save it for special occasions like on my full moon or new moon rituals. I use it too when I feel like I need to connect my to my feminine energy.


Sacred Destiny Oracle

sacred destiny oracle cards









sacred destiny oracle

This is a 52 card deck by Denise Linn. I have been a huge fan of Denise for a long time so when I saw these come out, I ordered them right away. It also has my name in the title so I figured, I couldn’t not have them…

These are nature based and simplistic, which I really like. The artwork is very pretty, not over done and all scenes of nature. The cards have one word on them and no numbers. Much is open for interpretation with these.

The guidebook relates each word to an aspect in nature. For instance, Adventures is a lofty waterfall. Denise goes on to talk about the lofty waterfall and its aspects. Then she finishes with what the lofty waterfall wants you to know (message from the universe).

I don’t use these all the time but they are so nice when I do use them. Sometimes I’ll pull one in the middle of the afternoon if I need a little pick-me-up. Or sometimes I’ll pull one before bed. Ends the day in a very sweet and reassuring way.


Children’s Spirit Animal Cards

children's spirit animal oracle cards









Children’s spirit animal oracle

If you have children, these are ah-mazing! I love them so so much for my littles. This deck has 24 cards and a guidebook. It’s written by Dr. Steven Farmer.

They actually help me, too, better understand what my kids may be going through. For example, my 3 year old pulled the butterfly card the other day, which is all about change and transformation. It shed so much light for me as to what was going on with her. We’ve been in a place of many tantrums and general unhappiness. It was getting hard for me to keep my patience with her. But this card gently reminded me that she is going through so much change! It was also good for her to talk about what she is going though (in 3 year old speak, of course).

The art work is all vibrantly colored animals and have short phrases on them. The guidebook elaborates on the message and also gives sample activities to help with the current situation. My kids and I love these!


How I use my cards

To begin, I sit in my sacred space, light my candle or turn on my diffuser and close my eyes. I ask my angels and guides to come in with me. I take a few deep breaths and set my intent to receive divine guidance. Then I clear the deck’s energy with a selenite stick. You can use palo santo or sage smoke if you prefer. Then I shuffle the cards until I intuitively know when to stop. Then I lay out my cards, and pull whichever ones I’m guided to . 

I use my oracle cards in my self care as part of my morning routine, my New moon/Full moon rituals, and whenever I feel like I need extra guidance.

For my daily routine, I usually pull one card from whichever deck is calling out to me. For my New Moon or Full Moon rituals, I do a spread with anywhere from 3-7 cards. I usually ask my guides questions for these spreads like: where am I now? what do I need to let go of? where should I put my intention? what do you want me to know? etc. You often can find suggested spreads in the beginning of most of these guidebooks, as well.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you find one of these decks resonating with you!

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