
How to communicate with your higher self

by | Feb 29, 2020 | Soul Growth and Inner Work | 0 comments

Today’s article is all about the Higher self. We will discuss who the higher self is, why you want to have a connection to him or her and how you can begin to communicate with your higher self and even start to embody her.

Can you imagine a life where you are calmer, trusting, and have a sense of peace most of the time? When it comes to making decisions, they are almost easy and you never have to second guess yourself?

Chances are, if you know and are your higher self, you have this luxury!


Who is the Higher Self?

The higher self is an aspect of your soul. It is the one who is the purest form of you and is unencumbered by time, space, human emotion or karma. It is the you that is plugged in and connected to infinite wisdom and the divine.

Your higher self knows everything about you, not only from this life, but all past lives AND all future lives. It knows your soul lessons for this life and has your greatest good in mind at all times.

He or she is always available to you and will help you get answers and guidance whenever you need it. I view my higher self as my greatest cheerleader and my inner sage. She is the wisest being I’ve ever spoken to and I trust her implicitly.

Why you want to have a connection to your Higher Self

There are so many wonderful reasons why you might consider forming a relationship with your higher self. A few of them are:

  • trusting in the universehigher self
  • trusting in yourself
  • no longer fearing death
  • confidence in making decisions
  • less or no more self doubt
  • help with depression and anxiety
  • greater intuition
  • seeing life through a greater perspective
  • feeling a sense of oneness instead of separation
  • able to relax and allow life to flow through you and happen for you instead of viewing it as happening to you or against you

Sounds pretty amazing, right? I know after living 30+ years of my life with the exact opposite of those listed above, I was ready for a reprieve. Let’s dive in to see some options for starting to communicate with your higher self.

How to communicate with your Higher Self


There are a few different ways to begin connecting to your higher self. Most people use meditation. That’s how it worked out for me, too. You can read more about my story here.

higher self

To begin, find a quiet place that you won’t be interrupted for at least 10 minutes. I like to light a candle or incense to set my mood and intention. I use these candles everyday and feel like they are magical. You may chose to put on soft music. I like water sounds or tibetan singing bowls. Then close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths slowly.

Set your intention in your head or out loud that you would like to meet your higher self for communion and communication. Invite them in! Spirit is very respectful of our free will and will not intervene unless invited to do so.

Most importantly, relax and release all expectations. You may see or hear your higher self in meditation but you may not. This is definitely a skill and it takes practice!

As you breathe, try to quiet your mind and just observe your thoughts. No one can void their mind of all thought, but you can observe it and let it go. After doing this for a few minutes, ask some questions of your higher self like:

  • what is your name?
  • can you show me what you look like?
  • what are you here to help me with?
  • how will you let me know your presence?
  • what do you want me to know?

Like I said before, you may or may not receive any answers the first time. And keep in mind these answers will be very subtle. Chances are you won’t get a giant red sign with the answers flashing on it. Trust the very first thing that you hear, that is usually the higher self.

Awareness of Ego

The next thing we need to talk about is your ego. There are many courses of thought about the ego, most believing that the ego is bad and must be absolved. I personally believe that the ego does have some place in our human lives. It helps us survive in society.

However, it is also the source of that negative voice we all have in our heads and for intuitive work, we don’t want it to participate.

Being aware of the ego and what it sounds like is very important when you are first building a connection to your higher self. Knowing that phrases from the ego usually contain words like: Shouldn’t, couldn’t, or can’t. Often there is an urgent or negative feel to the words.

Communicating with the divine will always feel good. There will be a positive and supportive feel to the messages and rarely will it feel urgent. There also won’t be words like “you should”. Back to the free will concept, they don’t want to tell you what to do. But they will give you support and guidance if you ask for it.


Journaling is one of my favorite ways to receive wisdom from my higher self. To use journaling to begin your connection, start with setting your atmosphere. Get a beautiful journal and pen you like to write with. Light a candle. Maybe put on soft music in the background.higher self journaling

Begin the same way as you would if you were meditating. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Again, set your intention to invite in you higher self for communication and communion.

When you open your eyes, just start writing. Don’t filter your words. Ask for your higher self to give you messages. If it’s not flowing for you, you can refer to the prompts I listed above in the meditation section and ask those questions and see what answers come.

To close, thank your higher self for being there and if you’re looking forward to building a relationship with her, let her know.

Practice practice practice. I promise your higher self is there, it’s just our job to figure out how to listen 🙂 Keep in mind this is a different set of ears and eyes than our physical ones. You are using your 3rd eye and your clairs to communicate with your higher self, so it does take practice to do these exercises.

Final thoughts

Having a relationship with your higher self has so many benefits. The sense of peace and confidence that comes with knowing that you always have divine support and access to infinite wisdom means that you can live your life with a brave and open heart.

I would LOVE  to hear about your experiences with getting to know your higher self. Drop a comment below and let me know how it’s going!

With Love,


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