
21 Quick and Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration

by | Oct 3, 2019 | Energy | 0 comments


We live in a world that is over worked, over stressed, over stimulated, and just plain overwhelmed. At least where I’m from, this is the MO. It’s our job to figure out how to live IN this world but not be OF the world. We have to find coping skills and ways to ease the burden of all of the stress that is a side effect of this fast paced life. In this article, I will give you plenty of easy ways to raise your vibration to start feeling better. 

When I talk about vibration, I’m talking about the frequency at which the energy of our body vibrates. Because we are energy, we have a frequency just like sound does. If we are worn down by life, our frequency is low. But if we have found some coping skills and can still stay detached from all of the hustle and bustle and negativity, our frequency is higher!

Having a higher vibration is important because it helps you feel better!

Positive effects of a higher vibration include:

-feeling less tired and worn-down

-having more energy

-you are better able to get in touch with your higher self

-you are more in balance emotionally and spiritually

-you are better able to handle stress

-you can manifest easier and faster

-your spiritual gifts will open up

-your soul growth and inner work will start to become easier* and more frequent (disclaimer: by easier, I don’t mean easy. I mean that you will be better equipped to handle any emotions and dissolve blocks as things come up for your healing).

-you help increase the vibration of our planet and those around you (and boy do we need that!)

In this article, I will talk about simple ways that you can raise your vibration. Here are some ideas to get you started…

1. Earthing and/or sunbathing

When we stand in the sun or stand on the earth (or both) we synch our energy with Gaia. She carries our burdens for us with no burden to her and she infuses us with her nurturing and loving energy.

2. Listening to happy music

This one is super easy. You don’t even need to stop what you’re doing to focus on the music. Well, you can if you want to. My favorite thing to do is to put on my favorite music while I cook dinner or clean. Listening to music helps us to get out of our heads a little and focus on what we are doing. It’s like a moving meditation. The music is also able to work on our emotions, mood and frequency by raising it and we don’t have to do a thing! Except maybe smile or dance 🙂

3. Drink positively charged water

There’s been numerous studies done on the effects of words or thoughts on water, perhaps the most famous being the one done by Dr Masaru Emoto. He found that water is affected by words or thoughts. He wrote things like Love, Thank you, Peace, Harmony, etc. He pasted these phrases to different samples of water. These samples of water showed beautiful crystalline like structures under the microscope. When he wrote negative things like I hate you and Ugly, the water had no pattern to it and just looked like splatter.high vibration water

A simple way to raise your vibration is to tape a positive affirmation to your water glass, bottle or jar. Set the intent of “love” or “peace” or whatever you like. Your water will take on this vibration and whenever you drink it, it will raise your vibration.

Another way to positively charge your water is with a crystal water bottle. I LOVE this one. The stones in the bottle infuse their high vibration into your drinking water. And they are so pretty, so it’s really a win-win!

4. Say affirmations

Another way to use affirmations is to say them out loud. We know that what you say (and think!!!) clearly has effect on ourselves and those around us. I like to pick 2-3 and say them at least twice a day. An easy way to build this in your routine is to write them on a sticky note and post it on the mirror in the bathroom, that way you can say them after you brush your teeth.

5. Listen to binaural beats

Binaural beats are meditative like and use two tones to alternate between your right and left ears. Its scientifically proven to alter your brain waves! They help you easily access Theta and Delta states. I recommend using them while you are resting, falling asleep or meditating. They can be deeply therapeutic and help reduce stress. Listening to binaural beats naturally raises your vibration and all you have to do is take a rest while you do it!

6. Take a salt bath

Salt helps neutralize negative energy. When you take a salt bath (or shower), it purifies your aura and brings your energetic system back into balance. This is a great vibration raiser.raising your vibration with a salt bath

7. Pray

Whether or not you are religious, it doesn’t matter. We can all pray. Pray to whoever you believe in. The idea is that you are putting your trust in the hands of a higher authority. This naturally raises our vibration. Prayer connects your energy to that of the divine and Oneness. It is oh so good for our soul and our vibration.

8. Journal

If you’ve known me for more than 3 minutes, you know I’m a HUGE fan of journaling. It is the easiest and best way to get in touch with your soul, in my opinion. It also helps you to ‘unload’ the heavy words and thoughts in your mind and put them on paper. This alone is a great way to raise your vibration. Any time we are in a receptive enough state to communicate with our higher self, our vibration is higher.

9. Do something creative

When we use the right side of our brain, it sends us into an Alpha state. This is known as the “rest state”. It puts us in a receptive state and again, allows us to connect to our intuition. When you meditate, you are in an Alpha state. This causes a huge boost in vibration!

Putting the science aside for a minute, doing something creative that you enjoy causes happiness. That right there is good for your vibration. The key is to do something you enjoy. I happen to love to paint and play the violin. But if you don’t enjoy painting, don’t do that or you’ll defeat the purpose. When you are creating, try to stay in a neutral state of mind or in an observation mode, some may call it. Try to avoid being too critical of what you are creating and just enjoy yourself!

10. Eat something high vibe

Food from nature naturally has a high vibration. When you ingest fruits and veggies, especially raw or very lightly cooked, it in turn raises your vibration. Try a yummy antioxidant rich smoothie in the morning and a salad of the rainbow for lunch.

high vibration food






11. Play with crystals

My heart went a flutter when I typed this one. I LOVE my crystals. They have soul’s of their very own. Each one has a different vibrational signature but they are all positively charged. I can attest to their healing powers as I use them on myself and my clients.

My favorites to use for the purpose of raising my vibration are:



clear quartz

lapis lazuli

12. Clear your aura and space with palo santo

The sacred smoke from palo santo or dried sage aids in removing negative energies. When you remove unwanted energy, you bring your own energy back into homeostasis and make space for more positive energy to come in. I like this one because of the extra high vibe from the dried flowers. This is all part of having good energy hygiene.

13. Use aromatherapy

I also love my essential oils. Ha, I seem to love most things on this list! Essential oils are on my top 5 list for raising my vibration. When I inhale an oil that I like, it can instantly uplift my mood. In addition to being a mood lifter, they have fabulous healing properties that can help with minor malaise- anything from a headache to a tummy ache and many things in between.

Having an essential oil diffuser like this one is so nice to have. It will transform your home into an aromatherapy heaven.

14. Be in nature

Whether you are taking a walk in nature or enjoying a picnic in the park, nature is so good for our soul, body, and vibration. Take the time to smell the roses, as they say. Notice the birds chirping, the wind across your face, the smell of the grass.

15. Sing

You do not need to be a good singer to do this one. Singing opens up our throat chakra! The sound waves from your voice have their own frequency. This is a great vibration raiser and its fun! So throw on a favorite tune and sing your heart out.

16. Yoga

Yoga is another tool to help us connect to our higher self. The ancient practice and ritual of yoga sets the stage for a higher vibration. Our body appreciates this use of prana (breath) combined with asana (pose). Yoga is very much a moving meditation and I highly recommend it, if you haven’t tried it already. It can be done in your home or a studio, both have great vibration raising benefits.

17. Reiki

I’m laughing at myself for having reiki as number 17 but it’s how I originally wrote my list so I’m sticking to that. Being a reiki practitioner, reiki is just so built into my lifestyle, I rarely give it second thought. Reiki is another of my top 5 vibration lifters. When you receive reiki, you are allowing the divine energy to flow through you. This is as good as it gets!

If you are attuned to reiki, you can do self reiki or bless your food and water with reiki. If you are not attuned, I highly recommend having a professional session. I offer sessions in person or at a distance or find someone in your neighborhood. You can read more about my sessions here.

18. Clear the clutter

I’m sure you’ve heard the concept of how your space mimics your mind. So if your space is cluttered, you know the same is true of your mind. When we can have less stuff in our space, it allows more energy to flow through our space and tends to not become as stagnant. Also, having less chaos around us and in our head allows for clearer thinking and knowing. You are able to tune into your intuition better and easier.

19. Cook

I suppose this one actually falls under both the ‘do something creative’ category or the ‘eat high vibe foods’ one. But I gave cooking its own category because I love to cook. Once upon a time before I became a spiritual blogger, I dreamed of being a food blogger….

Anyway,if you love to cook, indulge in this one! Turn it into a ritual. Pour yourself a glass of wine and turn on some good music and then let the smells and sounds take you away!

20. Gratitude

Gratitude’s frequency is so high on the scale of emotions. When we are in gratitude, we cannot help but to experience a rise in vibration. My favorite practice is to say 10 things I’m grateful for while I’m in the shower. If you are ever feeling down or lonely or any lower frequency emotion, you can always turn to gratitude.

21. Meditation

Meditation for me is another given, just like reiki. Don’t worry, if you’ve never tried it or you have but you couldn’t get your brain to quiet down, you’re not alone! My best advice is to start small, like 3-5 minutes per day. And try a guided meditation! They are so so helpful for beginners.

girl raising her vibration by meditating

Meditation raises our vibration because again it puts you in that Alpha sometimes even Theta state. When we are open and receptive, we can get divine guidance.

Well there you have it. 21 quick and easy ways to raise your vibration! Tell me which ones you’ve tried and what works for you in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you.

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Thank you for reading.

With love,


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