
What to do when you’re feeling lost

by | Nov 19, 2022 | Soul Growth and Inner Work | 0 comments

Have you ever woken up one day and thought to yourself ‘how did I get here?’ Not that here is even bad or wrong because it’s not. It’s fine. But those sneaky feelings of dissatisfaction, irritation, and just not feeling happy are very present. Yeah…me, too.

I caught myself this week having all of the feelings and even a touch of feeling lost. It’s a strange feeling for me because I’ve known my ‘purpose’ for a long time. But somehow in the day-to-day, life had become monotonous. I’ve found myself in a state of doing, pushing (ugh, maybe even forcing), and feeling like I needed to figure it all out. But then, an oracle card that I pulled yesterday shifted my perspective entirely. 

The Perspective Shift

The card was titled ‘Breath of the Cosmos’ from The Starseed oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell. (I highly recommend this deck, btw- if you want your own, click here). The Caption of the card says ‘My will to thy will. Micromanaging the universe.’ I read this and I didn’t even need to read the booklet for this card because I instantly knew what it was telling me. 

when you're feeling lost

For years, I have carried a vision of what my life would look like in the future. Steadily I’ve been taking steps to get there but lately a sense of urgency has taken over. I wanted my vision and my patience for it was running out. So I began to DO and try and even force my way through. And as I looked at this card, I realized all of this doing and forcing had led me a little off my path leading to this overwhelming feeling of being lost. 

How I’m finding my way back

Since pulling this card I’ve been in hours of prayer and meditation talking with God, my higher self, and my guides asking for assistance and how to find my way again. The following suggestions are their wisdom.

1. Surrender

They didn’t actually suggest this one. I just intuitively went here first. When I feel like I’m fighting life or struggling uphill, this is my cue to stop and surrender. It takes me out of my doing energy and out of my ego and puts me in the energy of faith. The simple act of surrendering lets your guard down. You soften and come back to trusting that you are supported and being led. 

When I come into surrender, I close my eyes and bring my awareness to my heart space. Sometimes I place my hand over my heart. And I simply state that I want to surrender. You’ll feel a release that feels so so good. Stay with it long enough and you’ll feel all of your spirit team right at your side, reminding you of how supported you are.

2. Be Quiet and Listen

I laugh at this one because sometimes I think I do need to be told to sit down and shut up (in the most kind and loving way, of course). In all of the doing and trying energy we build up, it gets loud, chaotic and overwhelming. Of course we’d lose our way a bit when we are operating in this state! 

Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening for His response.

Have you heard the quote: Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening for his response. Taking the time to sit down and be quiet gives us the SPACE to hear the divine. I know for me it’s been a long while since I really listened. Well, I listen all the time for my clients, but for myself, I haven’t given myself that luxury. Give yourself the permission and time to get quiet so that you can hear what God, the universe, your spirit team is trying to tell you.

Meditation is a great way to get quiet but there are many ways to do this. 

The list goes on. Whatever you like to do that quiets your brain is a good practice. 

3. Ask for guidance

We are so lucky that we have an entire team of spiritual beings that want to support and guide us. USE THEM! My favorite way to ask for guidance is to say: ‘Guides, please show me the best way through this period of time’. Or you could say something like: ‘Universe, please show me how.’ 

I like to keep talking with my guides, multiple times a day to ask for support, especially when I feel like I’m struggling. You may or may not be given your answer right away. Sometimes we have to keep listening, and that’s ok. Your answer may show up as a sign, like a symbol or an angel number. Other times you may receive your answer in meditation or in your journal. Stay open and in curiosity while you listen for your answer.

4. Anchor into a practice that lights you up

This one took me a little by surprise when my guides shared it. I haven’t been allowing myself sacred practices lately, again because of the busy. Sigh. But what they said about having a sacred practice to anchor into really made sense. When we partake in a practice that lights us up, it brings us into flow. 

Busy, doing, force= no flowwhen you're feeling lost

Surrender, listen, practice= all flow

And when you are in flow, you’re on your path. It’s when we get off our path, we really feel the lack of flow. Anchoring into a practice that keeps you on your path and in flow keeps you coming back into alignment over and over again. 

This sacred practice is one that brings you joy and you look forward to it. It will look different for everyone. For me right now, I’ve chosen to meditate every morning. But for you it may be a hot bath. It might be an art practice. It might look like you walking in nature. Whatever sounds really good to you right now is what you should focus on. Anchor in. Let yourself flow through it.


I really hope that these practices help you when you’re feeling lost as much as they are helping me. 

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