
The 5 Types of Self Care

by | Sep 6, 2019 | Sacred Self Care | 0 comments


There are several different types of self care. When I first started thinking of all of the different ways one can take care of his or herself, I thought: mind, body, spirit. Then I started wanting to go even deeper than that so I asked myself, what do I need to make me a happy and well taken care of person? Then I realized I needed two additional categories. So I added relaxation and connection.

Self care is so important for everyone but especially for empaths. If you consider yourself a sensitive person, self care is a must for recharging and taking care of one’s self. Moms are another category of which greatly benefit from self care. If you are a mom and an empath (raises hand) then girl you better have one solid self care routine!

types of self care

I suggest making lists for yourself for each category, filling it up with only the ideas that sound wonderful to you. Get out a pretty notebook and a pen that writes nicely and sit down with you favorite cup of something! Make this act almost like a commitment ceremony. A commitment to yourself to take care of yourself!

These Leuchtturm1917 notebooks make great journals or bullet journals.

Let’s explore what comprises each category.

1. Body Self Care

So let’s start with body because its perhaps the least esoteric category and also a basic staple to daily self care. This list mostly consists of ways to move your body but also includes what you put in your body.

When creating your list, really think “My body is my temple”. How can you keep it sacred? How can you honor it? We spend so much to criticizing and comparing it to others. Let’s take the time here to give it the respect it deserves! Our bodies are amazing and do so much for us.

-walking or hiking
-going to the gym
-taking a class like zumba or barre
-making healthy meals
-eating out less
-taking supplements
-drinking enough water
-limiting alcohol

2. Self Care for the Mind

These are ways to keep your mind sharp and active and to engage your cognitive skills.

-listening to podcasts
-take a class!
-doing a puzzle or crossword

3. Connection

For those of you who are introverts or empaths you might be thinking no thank you for this one (trust me, I was saying that too). But then I realized that spending quality time with my husband, family, and close friends are important, too!
-Date with hubby
-meet friend for coffee or lunch
-book club
-family dates ( bowling, movies, miniature golf, etc)
-having friends over for dinner

4. Relaxation

This type of self care may or may not be optional for you. For me it was necessary because I was trying to heal myself of anxiety that came with a lot of stress and tension. So incorporate as you see fit.

-gentle or yin yoga
-long hot shower or bath
-rest, lay down, take a nap!

5. Spirit

I saved spirit for last because while it’s perhaps the most challenging category to incorporate, it’s my favorite. When you are coming up with ideas for you spirit list, keep in mind this is how you connect to your soul and also to the divine. Divine is just the word I use for myself but you can use what resonates with you: Source, Oneness, God/Goddess, or a higher power.

-gratitude journal
-art journal
-sit in the sun or nature
-have a cup of tea or coffee on the porch
-go to the beach
-take self to lunch

-connect with spirit
-read inspirational literature

-practicing good energy hygiene

So that’s it! The 5 types of self care. Keep in mind that the ideas on this list are all ideas that sounded good to ME. You can use mine to get you started or come up with some of your own! I hope you have found this list to be helpful to you.

Enjoy the process of creating a habit of self care and savor the sacredness of getting to know your soul on an ever deeper level.

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