
How to work with your soul aspects

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Energy Healing, Soul Growth and Inner Work | 0 comments

If you’ll remember from my article last week about soul aspects (you can read it here if you missed it), we explored the aspects or parts of you that may be holding onto trauma and even could be blocking your healing.

Getting to know your aspects, even just a little, can make the difference in your healing journey.

So let’s dive into how to work with your aspects for healing!

Setting the stage for working with your aspects

First, it’s necessary to have a good ritual for setting up sacred space before doing this work. I have a very detailed article about this you can read here. But basically, you want to set the stage for working with your aspects. You can do that by:

  • Lighting a candlehow to work with soul aspects
  • Having your journal nearby
  • Playing soft music
  • Turning on your diffuser or burning incense

The idea is that you want to make your space warm and inviting AND signal to your subconscious that your healing work is starting.

Next, you’ll want to enter a meditative state. This can be done in different ways, either with chanting a mantra, breathwork, listening to guided meditation, or journeying. Whatever method you use, just make sure you are relaxed and in the meditative (trance) state.

Setting your intention

It’s really important when we are doing this kind of spiritual work that we are very intentional. Take your time to think of your intention here, maybe even writing it down in your journal.

Your intention will be something like this:

I intend to work with aspects of my soul that need healing. I call in my higher self for guidance and I ask for protection around my sacred space. I now call in the part of me that most wants to talk and is ready for healing.

How to work with your soul aspect


Here, we get into the meat of the work. With your eyes closed, you are going to ask yourself, is this my inner child? My dark shadow? A past-life fragment? Pause here and see what comes to you.

Give them a voice

Once you’ve identified who you are speaking to, begin to ask questions like:

What are you feeling? What do you want to say?

Pause here and *listen*. This might be slow-going at first, especially if you are not used to this kind of work. Give yourself time to hear what this part of you wants to say.

Feel it

At this point, you may be feeling emotions come up as they are speaking. This is good! Keep letting yourself feel these emotions, knowing that by doing so, you are finding the energy of the trauma and releasing it. 

If you aren’t feeling anything yet, that is ok. Keep practicing and encouraging yourself to feel. With time and practice, this will get easier.

how to do inner workRespond

Those emotions should have settled down a bit (if they haven’t, wait until they have). Here, I invite you to give your aspect some empathy and support.  What would you intuitively want to tell this part of you? (if you were Mother Mary or a divine mother figure, what would you tell yourself…. ”I am so sorry that happened” or “that was really unfair” or “you’re safe now”).


By this time, I advise you to ask your angels, spirit guides, God (whoever you have the strongest relationship with) to clear and heal this part of you. You can visualize them being bathed in white light and releasing the trauma that they’ve been holding on to.


After the healing, ask your aspect if they are ready to come back and join you. Usually you’ll hear/sense a ‘yes’. If you get a ‘no’, give them more time and continue to work with them in another session! But if they are a yes, imagine them coming back to rejoin your soul. 

This is a very basic and approachable version of a shamanic soul retrieval. But often, it is good to get the assistance of a shamanic practitioner like myself for soul retrievals, especially if it’s a particularly difficult trauma or aspect that you are working with. 

Ending the session

When you feel complete, thank your spiritual helpers and your aspect for working with you. Take your time coming back and opening your eyes. You can record your session in your journal. Then it’s time to blow out your candle. And your session is finished!


I really hope this article has helped illuminate how to work with your soul aspects for healing! If you have any questions or need support with soul retrievals or working with your aspects, please send me a message!

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