
How to create an Energy Hygiene Routine

by | Sep 2, 2019 | Energy | 0 comments

We all have had days where we just pick up on all of the yuck around us. Have you noticed that? Maybe your co-workers had a fight or someone cuts you off in line at the grocery store. And then you get home and just feel, well…yuck. Whether you are an empath or not, we all pick up on others’ energy. This energy pools around us in our aura so we need to clear it. In comes energy hygiene.

When you hear the phrase “energy hygiene” what comes to mind? The dictionary defines hygiene as: “conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.” The energy being our own energy in and around our body, known as the aura.

Energy Hygiene is the concept of keeping our own aura, or energy, clean and maintained to keep us healthy and in alignment.

There are many ways to have good energy hygiene. I will share my personal routine as well as some other practice ideas so that you can create your own routine!

I believe there should be three components to a solid routine: grounding, clearing and shielding.



Grounding is lovely because it connects our energy to mother nature. So much of the time we spend in our heads. Thinking about work, or kids, or what to cook for dinner. How often do we just focus on what it feels like to stand on our beautiful earth? By taking the time to be mindful of this, we allow our energy to blend with Gaia’s and in exchange, she balances out our energy. This helps us get out of our head and into our body.grounding


Some ideas for grounding are:
~ imagine a chord coming out of the base of your spine that dives deep into the earth, connecting to the core of the earth. Breathe the earth energy up through the chord and through your body.
~ earthing, which is taking of your shoes and socks and standing on bare earth. close your eyes and soak up that beautiful earth energy!
~ imagine your feet have roots coming out of them that go deep into the earth. Breathe in that grounding energy up through your roots.



Clearing begins the work of sweeping all of the energy that doesn’t belong to you away and out of your aura. Imagine your aura as a big bubble filled with colorful light around your body. When you have negative energy attached to you its like these colors get murky and foggy. This negative energy can weigh you down and make you feel sad or depressed or anxious. Clearing your energy is simple and so helpful!

Some ideas for clearing are:
~ ask your angels to clear you of any energy that is a low vibration or that is unwanted or that does not belong to you ( or all of the above).
~ swim in the ocean and/or stand on the sand, allowing the salty ocean breeze to clear your aura.
~ take a sea salt bath or shower



Shielding is exactly what it sounds like. I like to think of it like a suit of armor. It keeps your aura intact and clear and protected from any incoming negative energy. I like to set the intention that only positive energy can come into my bubble.

Some ideas for shielding:
~ close your eyes and imagine a ball of white light at the top of your head (the crown chakra). Breathe that ball of white light in through your crown and down to the base of your spine. Now on your exhale, breathe the white light out through all of your pores and out of your body, encasing your body and a beautiful white glow.
~ Imagine a bubble around yourself, give it a semi-hard casing and set the intent that only positive energy can enter your bubble.

energy bubble

So to create your own personal routine, pick one method from each category above. You can add other little morning rituals to it to create a full morning routine or you can just ground, clear and shield if you have a busy day ahead.

My personal routine consists of me getting my lovely cup of coffee first thing in the morning. I turn my meditation music on, light my candle and make my bed. While I drink my coffee, I usually pray and say the things I’m grateful for. Sometimes I just stare out the window or at the pretty crystals on my alter.

Then when I’m ready, I close my eyes and start my grounding. I use the grounding chord visualization. Once that’s complete, I ask my angels to clear me of anything that isn’t serving me and ask that they take off any negative energy and send it out the window, never to return again. Finally, I imagine the ball of white light at my crown chakra and pull it down to the base of my spine and then blow it out through my pores. From there, I can go into meditation if I have time, or just go about my day if I need to get on with things.

My whole routine without meditation takes 15 minutes! Just the grounding, clearing and shielding takes about 5 minutes so it’s very doable. I hope you find some of these ideas helpful and are able to implement them into your own self care routine.

I would love to hear about how you maintain good energy hygiene in the comments below!

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Thanks for reading and being here.

With love,


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