
How to Create Sacred Space to Connect with Spirit

by | May 7, 2020 | Sacred Self Care | 0 comments

Having a sacred space for yourself to commune with spirit is integral to those on a spiritual (and self-discovery) journey. Especially in this time of quarantine, when we all need a little extra support. Having a place that you can go that is special and only yours is very comforting. In this article, we will take a look at what exactly is a sacred space or altar, why it’s important to have one and how to create your own sacred space.

What is a Sacred Space?

Sacred space is a place for one to connect with themselves and with spirit. It has a devotional purpose. A specified place to do your sacred inner work. This place houses items that are of spiritual significance to you.

It carries its own divine energy and will instantly begin to raise your vibration just by being near or in it. Being in your sacred space will trigger deep relaxation and allow you to trust and begin your spiritual work.

Why having a Sacred Space is important

Having a sacred space gives you not only physical space but emotional space to tap into your inner stillness, wisdom and spirit. It can be used for celebration and manifestation, as well as for connecting to ancestors. But mostly, sacred space is for you to connect to yourself and your intuition.

Many of us are suddenly stuck at home with our families due to the Coronavirus. Space and quiet are hard to come by, unless you live alone. A sacred space is a place that will welcome your heart and any heavy emotions that it’s now carrying.

“ A home altar can assist the journey toward healing and self integration, and help us find the courage to face life’s challenges.”

~ Denise Linn

A Note on Altars

create sacred spaceThe word altar often carries with it a religious connotation. In our case, dear ones, it does not. Or it can if you want it to! It is what you want it to be. With an altar, items of spiritual significance are placed in a grouping. The objects are physical representations of a belief or idea or a reminder. Grouped together, they form a feeling, energy or a mood that helps it’s owner connect to spirit.

Altars are almost living things that have a vibration of their own. They should be talked to and changed as often as the seasons. This is a place to pray and ask for divine guidance as well as expressing gratitude.

To explore altars and sacred space, I highly recommend the book Altars by Denise Linn.

For more information on creating sacred space, you can explore Denise Linn’s other book, Sacred Space.

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How to Create Sacred Space

Now to the fun part! This is where we get to play and use our intuition and creativity. Here you will collect items that feel important to you and your spirituality. I’ve added links to items that I recommend and use myself.  Here is a list of items that you can include:


Lay the Foundationcreate sacred space

After collecting your special items, locate a spot in your house that has a good energy and that is slightly tucked out of the way of high traffic areas.

For me, I converted a deep inset windowsill in my bedroom into my own sacred space. It’s smaller than I’d like but it serves its purpose for the time being. You can find a small table or ledge or windowsill to create your altar.

Take your pretty linen or textile and spread it out over the surface. If you’d like to add pretty little battery operated twinkle lights, now is a good time. 

Then place bulkier items in the back or on the periphery like your himalayan salt lamp, speakers, and diffuser.

Artfully arrange

create sacred spaceSet your objects on your altar by using your intuition to find their placements. I like to take my larger pieces first and place them towards the middle/ back. This might be my statue, candle, and picture frame.

Next, I set my shorter objects towards the middle and front, such as heirlooms from my ancestors, palo santo, and my special manifestation box.

After that is set, I arrange my crystals, interwoven in between my items. If you have a large collection of crystals, you may want to pick only your favorite few so that you do not overwhelm your altar with energy and clutter.

oracle cardsYou may chose to honor the 4 nature spirits of earth, fire, water and air. For example, rocks or crystals symbolize earth, sacred smoke from palo santo represents air, the lit candle is for fire and a small bowl of water or even a seashell can represent water.

Lastly, you may opt to have books and/or oracle cards in your sacred space. For my space, I have my books and oracle cards stacked up on the side of my altar. Again, not ideal, but it works for now. I have an article all about my favorite oracle cards you can read here.

A side note: you may also like to have supplies in a drawer or little box near by. Things like a lighter, essential oils, extra palo santo or sage, post-it notes, a pen, etc.

Finishing touches

Once you’ve placed your items, feel free to move them around until it looks and feels good! You can have as many or as little items as you like. As the seasons change, you may feel inspired to re-arrange or change things. Fresh flowers are a nice touch for any altar. I often find picked flowers on my altar from my little ones….or so I assume 🙂create sacred space

Creating your own sacred space is such a magical experience. I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and are inspired to create your own!

Please comment below with any questions or suggestions and I’d love to see pictures once you’re done!

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